Enter a command. For example: reg compare, expand, msiexec.


Uncompress one or more Windows Cabinet files. More information:
  • Uncompress a single-file Cabinet file to the specified directory:
    expand {{path/to/}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Display the list of files in a source Cabinet file:
    expand {{path/to/}} {{path/to/directory}} -d
  • Uncompress all files from the Cabinet file:
    expand {{path/to/}} {{path/to/directory}} -f:*
  • Uncompress a specific file from a Cabinet file:
    expand {{path/to/}} {{path/to/directory}} -f:{{file}}
  • Ignore the directory structure when uncompressing, and add them to a single directory:
    expand {{path/to/}} {{path/to/directory}} -i

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