Enter a command. For example: st, sxiv, hwclock, btrfs version.


Show and change EXIF information in JPEG files. More information:
  • Show all recognized EXIF information in an image:
    exif {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Show a table listing known EXIF tags and whether each one exists in an image:
    exif --list-tags --no-fixup {{image.jpg}}
  • Extract the image thumbnail into the file thumbnail.jpg:
    exif --extract-thumbnail --output={{thumbnail.jpg}} {{image.jpg}}
  • Show the raw contents of the "Model" tag in the given image:
    exif --ifd={{0}} --tag={{Model}} --machine-readable {{image.jpg}}
  • Change the value of the "Artist" tag to John Smith and save to new.jpg:
    exif --output={{new.jpg}} --ifd={{0}} --tag="{{Artist}}" --set-value="{{John Smith}}" --no-fixup {{image.jpg}}

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