Enter a command. For example: gh pr create, gitmoji, pdfinfo.


ImageMagick image conversion tool. More information:
  • Convert an image from JPG to PNG:
    convert {{image.jpg}} {{image.png}}
  • Scale an image 50% its original size:
    convert {{image.png}} -resize 50% {{image2.png}}
  • Scale an image keeping the original aspect ratio to a maximum dimension of 640x480:
    convert {{image.png}} -resize 640x480 {{image2.png}}
  • Horizontally append images:
    convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} +append {{image123.png}}
  • Vertically append images:
    convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} -append {{image123.png}}
  • Create a GIF from a series of images with 100ms delay between them:
    convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} -delay {{10}} {{animation.gif}}
  • Create an image with nothing but a solid background:
    convert -size {{800x600}} "xc:{{#ff0000}}" {{image.png}}
  • Create a favicon from several images of different sizes:
    convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} {{image.ico}}

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