Enter a command. For example: fd, wal, cotton, boot, drill, sbt.


Manage Rust projects and their module dependencies (crates). Some subcommands such as cargo build have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • Search for crates:
    cargo search {{search_string}}
  • Install a crate:
    cargo install {{crate_name}}
  • List installed crates:
    cargo install --list
  • Create a new binary or library Rust project in the current directory:
    cargo init --{{bin|lib}}
  • Create a new binary or library Rust project in the specified directory:
    cargo new {{path/to/directory}} --{{bin|lib}}
  • Build the Rust project in the current directory:
    cargo build
  • Build using a specific number of threads (default is the number of CPU cores):
    cargo build --jobs {{number_of_threads}}

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