Enter a command. For example: gitsome, wasm opt, daps, su, cargo.


Tool to manipulate the your e-book database. Part of the Calibre e-book library. More information:
  • List e-books in the library with additional information:
    calibredb list
  • Search for e-books displaying additional information:
    calibredb list --search {{search_term}}
  • Search for just ids of e-books:
    calibredb search {{search_term}}
  • Add one or more e-books to the library:
    calibredb add {{file1 file2 …}}
  • Recursively add all e-books under a directory to the library:
    calibredb add -r {{path/to/directory}}
  • Remove one or more e-books from the library. You need the e-book IDs (see above):
    calibredb remove {{id1 id2 …}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.