Enter a command. For example: pdfinfo, lorem, singularity, core validate commit.


Command-line tool to acquire AWS temporary (STS) credentials using Google Apps as a federated (Single Sign-On) provider. More information:
  • Log in with Google SSO using the IDP and SP identifiers and set the credentials duration to one hour:
    aws-google-auth -u {{}} -I {{$GOOGLE_IDP_ID}} -S {{$GOOGLE_SP_ID}} -d {{3600}}
  • Log in [a]sking which role to use (in case of several available SAML roles):
    aws-google-auth -u {{}} -I {{$GOOGLE_IDP_ID}} -S {{$GOOGLE_SP_ID}} -d {{3600}} -a
  • Resolve aliases for AWS accounts:
    aws-google-auth -u {{}} -I {{$GOOGLE_IDP_ID}} -S {{$GOOGLE_SP_ID}} -d {{3600}} -a --resolve-aliases
  • Show help information:
    aws-google-auth -h

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