Enter a command. For example: ntfsfix, srun, betterdiscordctl.


Telephone and exchange (phone) server. Used for running the server itself, and managing an already running instance. More information:
  • [R]econnect to a running server, and turn on logging 3 levels of [v]erbosity:
    asterisk -r -vvv
  • [R]econnect to a running server, run a single command, and return:
    asterisk -r -x "{{command}}"
  • Show chan_SIP clients (phones):
    asterisk -r -x "sip show peers"
  • Show active calls and channels:
    asterisk -r -x "core show channels"
  • Show voicemail mailboxes:
    asterisk -r -x "voicemail show users"
  • Terminate a channel:
    asterisk -r -x "hangup request {{channel_ID}}"
  • Reload chan_SIP configuration:
    asterisk -r -x "sip reload"

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