Mathematical Markup Language (MathML)
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) is an application of XML for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content.
It aims at integrating mathematical formulae into World Wide Web documents. It is a recommendation of the W3C math working group.
MathML 2.0, a W3C Recommendation was released on 21 Feb 2001. A product of the W3C Math working group, MathML is a low-level specification for describing mathematics as a basis for machine to machine communication. It provides a much needed foundation for the inclusion of mathematical expressions in Web pages.
On this page we demonstrate Presentation MathML.
If you want to put your mathematics to your document (W3C Recommendation):
  1. Create the page using XHTML with inlined MathML (see template).
  2. Copy and past a math's tags in your xhtml document.
  3. Validate your document.
Standarte template (simple XHTML document for MathML)
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN" "">
 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
  <title>... replace with your document's title ...</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="... replace with your document's stylesheet location ..." />
 <math xmlns="">
   ... replace with your MathML content ...
See also:
  • Official page from the World Wide Web Consortium. Includes the MathML specification, links to related software, and other resources. >>
  • MathML on Wikipedia >>
  • MathML in Mozilla >>
If you do not see this page or it is displayed with mistakes take advantage of recommendations for change of your browser and/or installation of special fonts on the main page.
<math xmlns="">
1 2
<math xmlns="">
2 + 3 = 5
<math xmlns="">
5 - 4 < 2
<math xmlns="">
2 × 1 6
<math xmlns="">
2 * 8 > 6
<math xmlns="">
5 + 7 3 - 6
 <mfrac linethickness="2">
2 / 8 > 6
<math xmlns="">
2 2
<math xmlns="">
( 5 - 4 ) 2 > 1
<math xmlns="">
   <mo mathvariant='bold'>-</mo>
<math xmlns="">
8 + 5 7
<math xmlns="">
   <mo mathvariant='bold'>+</mo>
| a |
<math xmlns="">
   <mo minsize="1.5">|</mo>
   <mo minsize="1.5">|</mo>
<math xmlns="">
a + b = c
<math xmlns="">
   <mo mathvariant='bold'>+</mo>
a - b < c
<math xmlns="">
a × b c
<math xmlns="">
a b > c
<math xmlns="">
a + b c - d
 <mfrac linethickness="2">
a / b > c
<math xmlns="">
a y
<math xmlns="">
( a - b ) 2 > c
<math xmlns="">
   <mo mathvariant='bold'>-</mo>
<math xmlns="">
a + 5 7
<math xmlns="">
   <mo mathvariant='bold'>+</mo>
log a b
<math xmlns="">
a log a b
<math xmlns="">
ln a
<math xmlns="">
lg a
<math xmlns="">
lim n N ( 1 + 1 n )
<math xmlns="">
   <mo form="prefix" movablelimits="false">lim</mo>
f x y
<math xmlns="">
y x
<math xmlns="">
y x
<math xmlns="">
1 + ... + n
<math xmlns="">
   <mo mathvariant='bold'>+</mo>
a b f x
<math xmlns="">
x Aspires to y
<math xmlns="">
   <mtext>Aspires to</mtext>
0 1
<math xmlns="">
  <mfenced open="[">
i = 1 p
<math mode="display" xmlns="">
i = 1 p
<math mode="display" xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
a ′′
<math mode="display" xmlns="">
a , ... , b k a
<math xmlns="">
a , ... , b
<math mode="display" xmlns="">
2 + 3
<math xmlns="">
2 - 3 5
<math mode="display" xmlns="">
π 6
<math xmlns="">
360 º
<math xmlns="">
sin x
<math xmlns="">
sin x + ctg x
<math xmlns="">
x sin L
<math xmlns="">
   <mi mathvariant='script'>L</mi>
ctg x
<math xmlns="">
( 1 ; 7.5 ]
<math xmlns="">
{ a ; b }
<math xmlns="">
( 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 )
<math xmlns="">
det | a b c d | = a d - b c
<math xmlns="">
  <mrow xmlns="">
[ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ]
<math xmlns="">
{ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 }
<math xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
MathML Torture Test
a b f ( x ) d x = b - a 6 [ f ( a ) + 4 f ( a + b 2 ) + f ( b ) ] - ( b - a ) 5 4 ! 5 ! f ( 4 ) ( η ) , a η b