~ Home directory $ Denote a variable (as in $HOME or $USER) & Run a command in the background ; Command termination && Continue to the next command upon success (AND) || Continue to the next command upon failure (OR) | Use output of the first command as input for the next ' Treat all contents as literal " Treat spaces as literal, but expand variables \ Treat the next character as literal ( ) Execute contents in a subshell { ;} Execute in current shell (terminate with semi-colon) [ ] Test expression (( )) Evaluate contents as a mathematical expression [[ ]] Test expression, returning 0 or 1 > Overwrite existing content < Overwrite existing content >> Append to existing content << Append to existing content ? Match exactly one of any character * Match zero or more of any character [0-9] Any digit [a-z] Any lowercase alpha [A-Z] Any uppercase alpha [a-zA-Z] Any lowercase or uppercase alpha [abc] Only a, b, and c [!a-z] No lowercase alpha [!1-3] No 1, 2, or 3, but all other digits [b-hot] Lowercase b through h, and the letter o and the letter t [A-M0-9] Uppercase alpha A through M, and any digit \b Backspace \e Escape \f Form feed (like a non-returning newline) \n Newline \r Carriage return \t Horizontal tab \v Vertical tab \\ Backslash \cH Control-H \uHHHH Unicode character of hexadecimal value HHHH \NNN 8-bit character with octal value NNN